Read this before you start coding

Jonathan Gan
Apr 2, 2022

Im not sure if I wrote one of these already but here’s a new one.

So I started in school with assembly, then C, C++, HTML then Python, then CSS bootstrap, then JavaScript, then solidity, now rust

holy fuck balls

jk I think that’s normal.

So you gotta learn not what everyones using, but what is the trend, what you need to build what you build, and how to find documentation fast.

First, Fuck you learn C and JavaScript

No way around it buddy.

2. Buy a raspberry pi — feed your fucking cats bro

3. docker (no homo)

4. Make yourself a coffee machine you can text

5. Mobile app pro tips

  1. Start with react native
  2. always just use the metro bundler on pc, dont run a simulator unless you wanna kys



Jonathan Gan

A Software Engineer who explores for clarity and observes for inspiration