Jonathan Gan
7 min readApr 2, 2022


So I decided to go to what they say is the “Largest Business Conference on Earth” and this is what I got out of it


So before I get to discussing the content, I’d like to start by giving a little bit of background information. I am a college student who heard about the conference through a roommate on campus and decided to give it a look after seeing the option for a student discount but I only made it to two of the 3 days. (After networking, it appeared to be the most important days anyway)

This article will be about Day 1& 2

Grant Cardone, who is a very successful entrepreneur and business man, wrote a novel called “The 10x Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure.” and this book led to the development of an entire 10x brand being developed around the concept of ‘10x-ing’ your business and life financially.

The conference hosted by Grant in Miami was the 3rd of its kind as part of his ‘10x’ initiative and brand. I myself would say I’m an entrepreneurial learner so I was immediately interested and managed to get by spending the least amount that I could to attend as I had no idea what to expect.

The conference specifically aimed at adding value to attendees lives by allowing very successful speakers discuss their experiences and challenges. Each had different goals and areas of specialty but they each aimed to give insight into how to tackle business related challenges which in hindsight was only part of the experience but still very valuable if you paid attention to the right things.

NOTE: Thank you to Ralph Desmangles for the aid in missing notes/Extra content

Day 1. Sales

Grant Cardone

The conference opened with Grant discussing money being freedom and sales are key to achieving this form of freedom.To make sales his key points were to just make contact so by having more contacts you can win more sales. Sales are simple, you just need an audience and to make contact with the audience.

Russel Brunson

Russel is the founder of Click Funnels and his talk was very pitch oriented regarding his product but he gave a good amount of insight into his area of specialty that led back to sales in the online world. Each speaker did have a product they wanted to sell but for Russel it seemed to be the main objective since he was discussing online sales and this led to the pushing of his click funnel formula but with that being said, he gave a few key points that could help any online business owner succeed beyond using his product.

  1. Model online success from others already in the space
  2. Analyze others strategies for pointers in what they’re doing
  3. Read competitors through tools like
  4. Using the funnel concept, pushing people into a single line of sales and up-sells

Jesse Itzler

Jesse was a very interesting character who has a big personality and his story telling skills made him by far one of the most interesting (and probably my favorite)

Jesse started as a ‘rapper’ who loved music but by using the skills he learned with selling his musical abilities and simple business tactics, he managed to create and sell a private jet company that made him a sizable fortune while being a 20-something-year-old with no college experience. He gave a very winding and compelling story before going into the sale of his personal service program but the key take aways I got from him were:

  1. Create your own luck
  2. Make your brownie different
  3. You should focus on something that captures what you love, what you you’re good at, and doing something good for the world.
  4. If you don’t have a seat at the table, make one
  5. Experience is overrated
  6. “How you do anything, is how you’ll do everything
  7. 10% of your day should always be YOURS

Sara Blakely

Sara is Jesse’s husband but she and him were very successful before they met. Sara’s area of specialty is her brand Spanx that she started and is now a billionaire because of it. She went through many hardships starting off in vacuum cleaner sales but when she finally realized she was done being an average consumer, she had this idea by cutting an article of clothing and created a whole brand out of it.

Her talk was like Jesse’s being very story oriented but she was big on a few things:

  1. As soon as you can, hire your weaknesses
  2. The more you experience in life, the more you have to offer
  3. Money just makes you more of who you already were

For sales use: Humor, Body language, and find flaws in competitors products

Sales is persuasion!

Be transparent because money is a magnifying glass


In between the key speakers, Grant Cardone provided testimonials from his 10x products as a way to be more motivational but also as a way to get people at the conference to buy products. A major theme through out the event was that everyone has a price tag and with a big enough reach you can sell anything. People were well aware of the things they were being sold but bought in for a number of reasons. I had to hold my ground being a college student who needs to hold on to their refund but you get the idea.

Tai lopez

Tai lopez’s introduction at the 10x Growth Confernece

Now after watching that video, you might be surprised by how gimmicky the introduction may have been but

“Everyone one knows something, learn from them” .

Tai came out strong but was quickly disliked by the crowd for his negativity (lol no hate just being real) but nonetheless, gave some great information.

His formula was

Knowledge + Networking + Personal Brand + Infinite Brand + Passively Appreciating assets = Dream Life

“You get paid in proportion to the difficulty of problems you solve”

Now he went deeper than most are willing to admit so his will be a longer area of discussion

1. Knowledge

Tai started his talk with the formula above and then broke each down significantly. Tai obviously has his book delivery service called MentorBox which tied into the knowledge aspect of the “Law of attraction”.

The more you know, the more power you have in the field of discussion.

Goal: Read 1 book a week

Not really anything you didn’t know just don’t stop learning. Ever.

2. Network,Routine, and Habits

This one is also very self explanatory but basically: the better you can network take care of yourself and create healthy habits, the more successful you can be. A common theme was that the more routine your day is the less likely you are to grow and progress. His primary example was Jeff Bezos who spends a lot of his day dreaming and imagining because the creativity you have allows you to solve bigger problems.

3.Personal Brand

Now your personal brand has everything to do with how you portray yourself to the world and how yo develop your personal social media. Your personal brand is how you make yourself known and its how you can build your credibility on subject matters that you may want to build your infinitely expandable brand upon. (more on this later)

As an entrepreneur, you have to develop your position and mission statement to yourself on your interests and then make that noticeable & understandable through your personal brand. For Tai, he builds his knowledge upon books and then he takes what he learns and applies this to his everyday life. He’s not the smartest but he’s creative with the problems he solves and this builds credibility for his book service mentor-box.

4. Infinitely Scaleable Brand

Now in Tai’s case, his infinitely scalable brand is the mentor-box because even if he’s no longer in charge or around to run it personally, it will continue to thrive and survive in the world as a brand that has no personal involvement but as a brand of its own, similar to Jeff Bezos and Amazon. If Jeff Bezos were to disappear, Amazon would still thrive as a giant and this is what the differentiation between the Personal Brand and Infinite Scale Brand are.

Now you may get lucky making the ISP before the PB but majority of the world makes sure they’re somewhat known in an area before they go on to make an ISP

“Impatience will make you poor”

5. Passively Appreciating Assets

Tai emphasized on doing these in a specific order but the truth is, I’d start which ever as early as possible as long as you have the means and know what you’re doing well.

I myself have always been interested in the trading of stocks, forex, cryptos, and commodities but he was insistent on doing this last since it will take a longer amount of time to make money if you have less available capital.

This has held true for me but you can make a living doing them and its not hard to become extremely wealthy if you put your money where your mouth is.

Steve Harvey

Now I didn’t pay as close attention as I should’ve for Steve Harvey but luckily my friend Ralph had taken notes on his talk. Here is his instagram:

Ralph Desmangles (@ralph_finessee) * Instagram photos and videos

614 Followers, 1,072 Following, 15 Posts — See Instagram photos and videos from Ralph Desmangles (@ralph_finessee)


Don’t fear reinventing yourself

If you don’t apply philosophy/principles taught today, then you’re wasting time

You have a God given gift

You need faith

Be relentless

Make a decision to be extraordinary

Find your drive to have something to eat

Don’t use your past for excuses, but for reason to look foward


People don’y buy from regular people, but they buy from extraordinary people.

Prayer is the answer when in doubt.

** I am in college and usually busy so if there are any holes or questions or concerns with this article, please comment feedback so that I can revisit the topic or reach out to help you better understand anything discussed! **



Jonathan Gan

A Software Engineer who explores for clarity and observes for inspiration